Saturday, July 02, 2011

The Wayang President collected $50M taxpayers money, leaves no legacy behind

Mr Nathan, thanking you first of all for holding the 'fort' for so many years. But my courtesy towards extends only till this point, if you can pardon me for my frank comments which follow.

During your term as EP, though surely you're constrained in your roles by the Constitution, as the elected President (though you certainly won by walkover), you did not carry out the Mandate for us the common Singaporeans. During your time as EP, that was the period when alot of socioeconomic upheavals happened to the common Singaporean in the street. These upheavals are in general negative, if you can allow me to cite a few: stagnated wages, massive uncontrolled foreigner influx, rising costs of living, etc. By stark contrast, you included and the MIWs and their associated elites are enjoying the real 'Swiss standard of living' while us the so-called 'lesser mortals' have to put up with the 'Swiss cost of living'.

If you had indeed done your part, you could have raised questions in parliament and not just sit there doing nothing. Also, may I ask you whether as custodian of our taxpayers' monies paid to the treasury, did you do anything before and in aftermath of the failed investments made by TH and GIC in 2008-2009? After the disaster, which cost our country billions of dollars, did you query the manner in which this ruling party used our monies? And by the way, how about that almost SGD400 million thrown into YOG? Did you question that?

You said you supported various causes and for the less fortunate, so naturally, am I right to say that other than your custodian role as EP, you actually served as a moral guiding light for governance? Let's not harp on what I just mention above about governance on the day-to-day affairs, let's talk about the morality regarding the PAP's value system. Remember VB's retort to Dr Lily Neo on raising ComCare handouts in the past. Did you even question PAP's moral standards? You said you sought public support for those various causes, but did you seek support from the PAP to support those less needy?

Or, were you easily excusing yourself by the fact that because of your constrained roles according to the Constitution, you couldn't do it, even as the EP? If so, then why were you EP in the first place? Put competition aside and your walkover onto this post, is it because you're obliged not to even question the PAP over these years while just being contented sitting there in the ivory tower?

Your predecessor, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, did a much better job than you. At least he dared to do the right thing even though he should be well aware of the odds facing him back then. But did you summon your courage at all? Don't you think you've failed the people as EP?

Nonetheless, what's done had been done. The only consolation for me personally is that the very last, perhaps only rational and right thing you might have done before you step down is to decide not to run for this post again. With that, I thank you and wish you good health and good luck.

1 comment:

  1. Darknight 20008:32 PM GMT+8

    I understand the ex President had risked his life dealing with terrorists in the 60s or 70s. How many of us with big mouths dare to risk our lives for others? Or should we say we prefer to risk others lives for money.
