Dear Mr. Lee,

This is a joint letter by 4 life-long friends who are in our 50s and 60s. After speaking to many colleagues, friends, and family, it saddens us to know that most fellow Singaporeans share similar grave concerns.


By: Camille Chew

"Sometimes I don't even bother keeping up with the parliament as I feel that our PAP speakers, especially the new ones, seem to not make sense when they speak. I understand that they're a bunch of elite scholars who have studied so high up, greatly educated.

By: Lucky Tan

Above is BBC's coverage of the protest at Hong Lim. The first part discusses the trade-off for Singaporeans and how the low TFR has led to the need for immigrants in our country.


Singaporeans, please don’t fall for it.

I have said it again, and I will say it again. This Singaporean vs foreigner sentiment is a gimmick, it’s a ploy.

Please, I don’t know how many times I need to say this, but we need to remember who we are directing our unhappiness to.


A citizen's on-site audio recording organized of a series of 13 speeches (in chronological sequence) made by various segments of Singapore's population during a protest against the white paper on population at Hong Lim Park, 16 February 2013. The protest was organized by

By: Jagwinder Singh

It was a proud moment to be a Singaporean yesterday, when 6000 of us, stood shoulder to shoulder under the unforgiving shower of rain to protest in unison against the latest draconian policy which had been shoved down our throats.


A large crowd braved a drizzle to gather at the Speakers' Corner at Hong Lim Park in Singapore on Saturday 16 Feb 2013 in a rare protest against a government white paper on population.

At least 7,000 people have staged one of Singapore's largest-ever protests, a further sign of discontent over immigration policies and growing income disparities under the long-ruling People's Action Party (PAP).


Dear Prime Minister,

I am one of your grassroots leader. I’ve voluntereed and served in one of your constituency for the last 20 years. I’ve had these thoughts percolating in my mind for many months.

He also spoke about companies 'addicted' to cheap foreign labour.

Nominated MP Laurence Lien became the second nominated member of the Parliament to oppose Singapore Government's White Paper.


A study carried out by W. Lutz of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria, M. R. Testa of the Vienna Institute of Demography at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and D. J.


By: Nicole Seah

Along with many other Singaporeans, I oppose the White Paper.

Prof Eugene Tan, didn't you abstain from the White Paper? Your abstention equates an endorsement of that policy, no matter how much you railed against it. Your stance is almost equal to PAP's Mr Inderjit Singh who voiced opposition against it yet still voted for the document.


By Andrea Ong

The ratio of Malays in Singapore will not change in the future even as the population grows, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Parliament on Friday.

"The percentage of Malays will continue to be stable for the long term.

By Dr Wong Wee Nam

The results of the Punggol East by-election surprised everyone. People expected a very close fight. No one expected PAP, by its own standards, to be thrashed by such a wide margin.

It looks like PAP has not learned from the lessons of 2011 GE.

LTK is right. The PAP of old is not the PAP of today. George Yeo made a very good comment that when an organisation get going for many years, the rot starts to set in and what they do not "realise" will set its doom.


Workers’ Party candidate Lee Li Lian won the Punggol East by-election handsomely at the second time of asking.

Returning Officer Yam Ah Mee announced the results a short time ago at North Vista Secondary School in Punggol East.


In May 2011, the Patriarch of the PAP, Lee Kuan Yew, issued a threat to voters of Aljunied:

"If Aljunied decides to go that way, well Aljunied has five years to live and repent. We accept the verdict of the people, but they must also accept the consequences of their actions.


The cheering of the 10k supporters that lasted more than 30 minutes even after the rally ended. The electrifying atmosphere of the democracy determined citizens of Singapore!


Daniel Goh Low Thia Khiang, MP (English) Pritam Singh, MP


People coming in their working attire, didn't want to brave the mud, hence after ALL the planks were fully occupied, the late crowd spilled over to other areas without muddy grass. Video:


As expected, sparks flew as the opposition, WP, came out firing on all cylinders at the PAP and even pro-opposition critics during its second rally for the Punggol East by-election. Towards the PAP, the WP leaders, fronted by its chief Low Thia Khiang, cited example after example of policy alternatives and the 250-plus questions it had raised in Parliament since the 2011 GE as proof that it has played its role as a responsible and rational watchdog. The rebuttals were directed largely at PM Lee Hsien Loong who had said on Saturday that the opposition did not have strong views and did not raise alternative policies. The WP also addressed head-on criticisms of it being an arrogant party that did not uphold opposition unity, owing to its refusal to negotiate with other parties over the right to contest the Punggol East ward. Recounting history of how opposition disunity in the 1990s had affected the growth of the WP, Mr Low said the party decided to walk its own path lest it disappoints Singaporeans hoping for a strong political force. Tonight’s rally has raised the temperatures in the hitherto-mild election campaign by several notches. The PAP and other opposition parties are expected to respond before the WP’s third and final rally tomorrow. More sparks may fly. Low Thia Khiang, MP (English) Sylvia Lim, MP Lee Li Lian (English)

With 81 of 87 parliamentary seats, PAP is already overwhelmingly represented in parliament. It has already scored an A* with 93% representation. It doesn't need Dr Koh's win to give it more power.

To voters of Punggol East, your vote is indeed an important one.


Every speaker was concise and to the point. The criticisms of PAP are valid and close to the heart of the people. You won't hear any rhetorics and they were sincere in helping PE residents with confident in delivering their promise if elected.


PM Lee removes By-Election smokescreen and kills off Dr Koh's campaign in one fell sweep

This morning's PAP Press, The Straits Times, declared on the PM's behalf that voters of Punggol East must vote for the PAP if they support the PAP's plan for Singapore.

By: Seah Chiang Nee

After decades of wealth accumulation, it is not easy to find a poor politician, particularly in the PAP. This trend may change as the leadership realises the benefit of candidates with backgrounds that are closer to the average voter’s.

Another Epic Night at WP rally in Punggol East.

The Worker’s Party’s first rally held on Saturday evening highlighted clearly its two-pronged strategy: national as well as local politics. A total of 13 speakers took turns to speak about issues like the escalating cost of living, frequent disruptions to public transport, and healthcare issues. Speakers also reminded the audience how the government has been compelled to tweak certain policies, for example, slowing foreign worker inflows, after GE 2011 when the ruling party lost seats to WP. WP Sec-Gen Mr Low Thia Khiang assured voters that the party candidate, Ms Lee Li Lian, would do a good job running the town council, citing the WP’s experiences in managing estates since he won the Hougang ward in 1991. Low Thia Khiang (English speech) WP candidate for Punggol East SMC, Ms Lee Li Lian

From Workers' Party's FB:

Join us at the first Workers' Party Rally for the Punggol East By-Election on 19 Jan 2013 (Sat), 7pm-10pm @ Open Field in front of Blk 183C Rivervale Crescent.

Before the by-election hustings have really taken off, we are hearing from PAP’s own mouths the failings of its former and disgraced MP, in areas of municipal estate management.

By: Joseph Tan

1) A constituency election differs from a national election since we already know the big-picture results: the PAP forms the government.

By: Hoe Zong Huan

With a by-election coming up, it may be interesting to put the 2011 General Election results under analysis to reveal the trend and attitudes towards the PAP.

So much has been said about the impending Punggol East SMC by-election – while most concede that PAP is likely to win in a multi-cornered fight, opinions are split on whether the decision of opposition parties other than the Workers’ Party (WP) to run in the election is justified or not (see for ins


By: Clarence Zeng, member of the Young Democrats and Deputy Head of the SDP's Ground Operations Unit.

It was a hard, and heavy decision that was made known to the members that we were pulling out of the race in the Punggol East by-election.

It's confirmed. 4 Parties to contest in Punggol East By Election. Let's make sure the PAP will not win this BE. Another Opposition Member in Parliament is good for the nation.

by Ng E-Jay

I am glad the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) has withdrawn from the Punggol East by-election. I am very sure that it was by no means an easy decision. The party had been walking the ground everyday since it announced its intention to contest.

The People’s Action Party’s (PAP) candidate for Punggol East SMC, colorectal surgeon Koh Poh Koon is a ‘nobody’, according to an article on SingaPolitics.

The colorectal surgeon reportedly joined the PAP only 3 weeks ago and even grassroot leaders were not familiar with him at all.

Punggol East residents: scrutinize the records of each candidate and see clearly who can understand your concerns better?

The highly paid doctor who keeps harping on the times gone-by when meritocracy was a straightforward system and threatens you if you don't vote the PAP?

Or the lady with a humb

A message from Singapore Democrats:

We had decided to contest the by-election in Punggol East because of the following factors:

(1) A set of alternative policies that we wanted to present to the voters.

(2) A candidate who would have a strong chance of defeating the PAP candidate.

By: Anyhow Hantam

From the beginning of our fledgling democracy, there has always been a tacit agreement between opposition parties to avoid 3 cornered fights.

By: Andrew Loh

“For me the main issue of this by-election is sending a signal on how our country should be governed,” a friend commented to me, “what sort of representation we want in the highest body of government and demonstrating that we collectively be proactive and can make a difference.”


Sales trainer Lee Li Lian, 34, has been unveiled as the WP candidate for Punggol East. She last contested the SMC in 2011 where she won 41 per cent of votes in a three-cornered fight.

Looks like she now has a second stab at Punggol East.

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